Dissertations … and reflections
Third year has proven to be relentlessly busy. I’m very aware that as soon as my dissertation is handed in in a month I need to get right on to revising for my exams. My dissertation is starting to come …
Third year has proven to be relentlessly busy. I’m very aware that as soon as my dissertation is handed in in a month I need to get right on to revising for my exams. My dissertation is starting to come …
So I’ve begun the final term of my final year! Exams were tough, and the experience of doing them really underlined how important it is to keep up a constant and disciplined workflow in second year; as soon as the …
The end of term brings a lot of relief as well as a hint of sadness. I’ve enjoyed both my units on American and Russian art hugely, both being taken by hugely engaging lecturers. However, a break is certainly in …
For History of Art this term, I am taking ‘American Art and Identity’ and ‘Art in Russia and the Soviet Union’. Individually I’m finding them both very interesting. But they also complement each other very well, as I’m learning about the cultural …