Russian Art and Christmas Ducks

The end of term brings a lot of relief as well as a hint of sadness. I’ve enjoyed both my units on American and Russian art hugely, both being taken by hugely engaging lecturers. However, a break is certainly in order. After my final essay of the term was handed in I could relax and plan “Flat Christmas” with my housemates (accidentally ordering a pair of ducks far outside of our price range in the process, a fact we have to live with now) and see some of the friends that sometimes get neglected when workloads are at their peak. As a result everyone is in a good mood for the most part, barring the desperate scrimping that most have to endure as student loans are almost expended as the year closes and Christmas shopping pushes people’s funds into the red.

Exam revision and dissertation preparation also rear their heads, so the lull in intensity can’t last for long. But as I get deeper into my subject, although the tasks seem daunting, I honestly have begun to enjoy the work (when I actually start doing it); the usual case is that when one revises for a module exam this is when they really feel they understand it, and dissertation research truly becomes absorbing once you’re in the thick of it. In any case, intellectual stagnation is never a welcome prospect so the work to do over the holidays can be welcomed with the right mindset. With this teaching block behind me I can advise that while a challenge, as long it is approached with enthusiasm it can in fact be the most rewarding and enjoyable time at the university, in both an academic and social sense.

– Milo


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