Exams are coming

Exam time is almost here; fortunately, I only have one this year! Lectures and seminars are winding down in preparation for revision break, which will begin in a week’s time. I have about two weeks to prepare for my exam, so will be spending a lot of time in the library! Bristol University has lots of libraries and study spaces which is useful and very much needed at this time of year. The Arts and Social Sciences Library is massive; I tend to go there when I need books, although the downstairs social area is also a good spot to take a revision break with friends. If I feel in need of a slightly quieter space to work, there is a study space in the basement of the History of Art department building. It’s rarely busy, and is next door to the History of Art department’s library, so is pretty convenient! It’s important to maintain a good work-life balance during exam season, so I will make sure I intersperse heavy revision days with visits to some of the new art exhibitions that are opening in Bristol for the summer.

Hopefully it will be a stress-free exam period!

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