Spring has arrived!

We’ve had some truly gorgeous weather in Bristol recently which unfortunately seemed to appear

when I was working all day at my part-time waitressing job. It might be the most depressing thing in

the world to be inside looking out the window at people enjoying a pint in the sun. But at least

Spring has sprung! Bristol is a great place to be on a sunny day since there are so many green spaces,

harbourside spots or outdoor cafes where one can sit and enjoy the weather. I like King’s Street

where there are outside benches galore, and on a sunny day the whole street is buzzing. However,

although Bristol is great in the Spring, the last few weeks of term have been a bit of a struggle for me

and I am very excited to be heading home for a few weeks. I will be going to the Yorkshire Dales for a

week’s walking holiday with my family where hopefully the countryside and my mum’s cooking will

rejuvenate me! As the English course is more coursework weighted, I have a couple of big deadlines

due a few weeks after the Easter vacation to be getting on with, but where better than a cottage in

the middle of nowhere to be removed from distractions!

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