Almost there!
Almost There!
It’s been an extremely busy few weeks! I’m so happy to say that I have submitted my
dissertation! After months of hard work, it was a big relief to hand it in. I’ve taken a few
days off from work to be able to relax and unwind after the dissertation, but now it’s back
to the grind! I had the last ever lecture of my undergraduate degree last week. Time has
gone so fast; I can’t believe everything is coming to an end!
Exams are three weeks away. This summer, I have two exams. They are five days apart from
one another which is quite nice as it gives me plenty of time to focus equally on them. For
revision, I usually read through all of my notes and the extra reading we have been given,
and then I’ll type up an essay plan, making my notes as condensed as I can. Once the plan is
done, it’s just a matter of sitting down and learning it all off by heart! Revision can get
tedious and monotonous but you just have to push through, hard work pays off.
My advice to you as, someone who has been through many exams, would be to work as
hard as you can, and try your very best, but most importantly, take breaks! Go for a walk, or
have a cup of tea, anything that will allow you to step away from your revision and feel
almost human for a little while! Exams place students under a lot of stress and pressure,
make sure to look after yourself as best as you can. Keep your mind and body healthy and
try your best, there’s not a lot more you can do! Good luck!
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