Back in Bristol

After a busy summer of Glastonbury Festival and travelling to China and Vietnam, I returned to Bristol on September 1st. With eager anticipation to see my friends and to crack on with third year, I was keen to get back to Bristol as soon as possible. I knew this year would be absolutely crazy with being Religion and Theology President, course rep and work load of third year, I knew I had to structure my time.

It was also my first time of moving away from home, as – being a local – I have lived at home for the first two years. This was an exciting, but also daunting prospect. Although I had feared that I would maybe get too distracted with all the new exciting socialising that I would be doing, and being more independent which may take up more time. However, I have found that the pressure of third year has taught me to balance my time quite well, with working as hard as possible; but also socialising as much as possible.

Although I missed the sunshine and beach of Vietnam, (I am shivering at 20c – my housemates won’t let me live it down – they call me the ice queen) being back in Bristol is great and I’ll be sad to finish third year. My most interesting fact for this blog – I am addicted to baking cakes, my cake of the year so far is an Oreo cake which includes: chocolate sponge with hidden Oreos, white chocolate buttercream and covered in ganache. DELICIOUS.

– Sarah


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