New term
Exams are finished and surprisingly weren’t even that terrible. In fact I may even go so far as to say that they were borderline enjoyable; although I doubt any other subject would agree it just so happens that English students were allowed the freedom of creativity to write about whatever interested them in their exams and so we all just let ourselves explore with it.
And so teaching block two has begun and with it, it seems, has come a wee bit more work. The amount of reading is growing which seems a little daunting but so is the amount of thinking and consideration spent on texts which for me is actually quite exciting. The topics are an English students dream with Shakespeare and contemporary writing setting my nerdy literature heart a-flutter. First term was perfect for letting us freshers find our feet at university and start trying out new things (for me that was directing theatre and volunteering) and now it seems we’re being slightly more pushed with our critical reading of journals and higher thinking in seminars and tutorials.
This is what you’d hope for from a university – the focus on independent research lets you sink your teeth into exploring your own literary preferences and it means you can keep working on the new hobbies you’ve found in first term, whether that’s playing in the Quidditch championships or becoming a master at speed-knitting! It may be a hangover of post-end-of-exams-elation but I have a feeling that this term is going to be a good ‘un.
– Harriet
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