Looking forward …

With exams finally over, I’m looking forward to starting my new units for this term: I’ll be studying women in Greek tragedy in one unit, and the Roman philosopher Lucretius and his effects on later philosophical thinkers in the other. It’s a departure from the practise of history, but the change is a good one, and I think it’s fantastic to be able to cover a far wider range of disciplines than one might expect from what sounds at first like a highly specialised degree. I hope to have done some reading in preparation for them before seminars begin, but am also trying to capitalise on the opportunity to make headway with my dissertation. Having studied the Roman Republic in my 1st year, I’m actually finding it a challenge to re-familiarise myself with the topic area whist simultaneously trying to suppress any shaky ideas I may have developed about it in the past. Looking at the republic, and Cicero in particular, with fresh eyes, is proving to be a challenge in itself.

I’m also looking forward to the next couple of weeks, as the Best of Bristol Lecture Series is due to begin! One can attend a whole host of lectures held by lecturers from all departments, regardless of what degree you yourself are studying. I intend of course to go to the Classics and Ancient History lecture, but also intend to check out a few others (one on the Anthropocene era has especially caught my eye) – it’s exciting to have the chance to get a glimpse of different areas of research which we otherwise might never be exposed to!

On a less academic note, new term means renewed attempts to improve at kung fu! Of course, after spending the last month doing very little exercise whilst I revised for exams (not an approach I recommend!) I’m sure it’s going to be quite the uphill struggle. Hopefully determination shall get me through in one piece!

– Yasmin


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