
Term two of third year has been one of the busiest times of my life. Trying to balance everything has been a bit of a struggle, but I guess that is what third year is about. Over Christmas I decided that I wanted to go into law, so January after exams involved applying for Vacation schemes, and to do my graduate diploma in law. I am yet to hear back about the vacation schemes, but I have been successful and have been offered places at three different institutions to do my graduate diploma in law.

The next thing I have had on my plate is my dissertation, it seems to take over your life and 12,000 words is extreme – I am still scared about how I am going to write this much. As well as 12,000 words, we also have seminar reading and two essays due in. It is all very stressful, but my entire house is trying to relish the bad times, as next year we will really miss just being at uni and with each other.

There have also been very fun parts of this term, two of my best friends turned 21, and we dressed up and had a party. Which involved me baking two massive birthday cakes, which relieved stress and also made everyone very happy. What also has been great is my friend has decided to run for student officer next year; we are currently working on his campaign, which involves many videos – and more baking. I am hoping that he will be successful in his campaign.

There is only three weeks left of this term before Easter, which is scary with the amount of work that has to be done, and also that I am running a half marathon; but also scary because it will be getting closer toward the end of my time as an undergraduate and I really don’t want this to happen!

– Sarah


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