What I’m studying this year

My third year started on 27 September, officially marking the beginning of the end for my University of Bristol adventure. This thought fills me with a mixture of sadness and excitement, as although I struggle to believe that this is my final year, I cannot wait to see all that it has in store.

This Teaching Block’s compulsory module is Literature 3, comprised of texts written from 1700 to 1830 and featuring big names such as Austen, Defoe, Swift, and Wordsworth. As with the previous years, the unit is taught through lectures and tutorials, and as the third-years return once more, everyone slips back into this routine seamlessly. There is a sense of ease as the now familiar faces congregate in these now familiar rooms, and it is truly nice to be back together.

The optional unit that I have chosen is Prize Culture and Prestige, which focuses on prize-winning texts and asks questions about the influence of literary prizes on literature and vice versa. I originally picked it for the reading list, with texts such as Midnight’s Children and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time catching my eye. So far, the unit has been one of the most thought-provoking I have studied, as both the topic and the texts are so current. Many of the texts on the reading list are ones that I have read for pleasure and so analysing and discussing them in class has been an interesting and enjoyable experience.

I am really enjoying this term and I hope that the rest of this year continues in the same manner!

– Harriet


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