We reach the end of a very long term. And breath. It seems like years ago that I started my second year at Bristol. This isn’t necessarily a negative comment; if anything, it is a testament to the amount I have done and achieved within a short space of time! My assignments on this side of term are now handed in, I have spent a good term editing for Epigram, improving my writing techniques, and I have acted as a Director and Set Designer on two different shows. The work I have put in this term has made me very much look forward to Christmas as I’m absolutely exhausted! I always find it funny how much I appreciate and miss my home in Devon when it’s not there. I feel now, however, that I have found a home in both Bristol and Devon, meaning that travelling from one to the other is always a lovely feeling. The first term of the year is always the hardest as it’s the longest, but this term was one of the first times since being at University that I could finally say that I felt very settled, both personally and academically. Christmas will be full of family and gluttony for sure (I’m preparing myself to literally transform into a pig in a blanket), but once we are over the bridge into the New Year, I will be itching to get back to beloved Bristol.
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