Into the new Term

Coming to the end of the Autumn Term, I found myself more and more grateful of the University bus service and ski thermals. You would not believe how bitterly cold Bristol can be in the mornings; beautiful, but totally freezing.

In other news, I finished the majority of my exams in December and so enjoyed a revision-free Christmas holiday at home. Classics you see, arranges its language exams within the teaching timetable at the end of term. In theory this means that the material is still fresh in your mind when it comes to proving your knowledge (though I’m still holding my breath for most of the results so we’ll see about that).

I’m known to be slightly on the melodramatic side, so my floor mates had to put up with no end of complaining that I couldn’t possibly get into the Christmas spirit when I had to revise ever-perplexing Greek syntax and accidence, but I suppose I didn’t draw the shortest straw, because I do have a few extra weeks of holiday now which I most definitely plan on spending wisely and not sleeping through. Ahem. Most other subjects have their exams in the dedicated exam period in January, so my friends are slowly convening in Bristol to reacquaint themselves with library chairs and lecture notes.

This coming term, I’m hoping to continue trying my hand at directing with the drama society. Write Bear was something I was hugely grateful to be a small part of last term. Essentially, a group of student writers submitted pieces (often extracts of larger works) to be directed, produced and performed by student members of dramsoc. I was given the opportunity to co-direct a short piece written by a second year student called Some Words with a friend of mine and it was incredibly rewarding to be a part of the show. I hope I can keep up my involvement into the Spring term!

– Grace


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