Looking Back

First term has passed in a frantic blur. I can’t believe Christmas is nearly upon us. I am not prepared in any capacity! I have spent most of autumn semester trying to balance my academic and extra-curricular activities and hopefully I have managed it. This term alone I have been involved in three separate dramatic productions which has been stressful and fun in equal measure. I have also been involved in the Labour Party, Big Band, Revunions and a local church I regularly attend. As social secretary for Revunions I organised a Christmas meal for the society which was a great way to catch up with friends and look back on the term.

My course towards the end of term was largely dominated by revising for a 24 hour exam in Rethinking History which I’m not going to deny was challenging. The exam involved writing two, one thousand word essay questions, which we could pick from a selection of eight. Despite its difficulty, the process helped clarify my thoughts on historiography itself and its importance in modern scholarship. In January I have two exams so revision for those is already well underway. I am looking forward to next term and all that is has to hold. (I’m also looking forward to some home cooked food and central heating during the Christmas break!)

– Luke


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