End of term

So we have finally reached the end of term one. I say finally because it was a gruelling last few weeks or so for me. I should probably start this off by saying that I am never usually ill – my immune system seems to kill any and all harmful microbes in record speeds. This winter, however, my immune system decided that it wanted a holiday and left for sunnier climes. This left me with every illness under the sun, which put me out of uni for a week, leaving me with work on top of the work I already had. As you can imagine, this wasn’t ideal, but nonetheless I powered on, and I can (somewhat) safely say I am on top of it all.

Thankfully, my excitement that I showed in my previous blog post wasn’t misplaced – both Elegy and Realism & Normativity (my units for this term) were fantastic, and I’m glad to have been on them. Philosophy of Language was a bit more difficult, but I was expecting it – I’m doing a degree after all.

This term wasn’t all work, work and more work, though. Our English society, The Falstaff Society, pulled off a fantastic Christmas party a couple of weeks ago. It was great to see students and staff milling about together, and the addition of a live band didn’t go amiss. This wasn’t the only social event I went to, but I think you’d get bored if I harped on about every Christmas jumper I wore this year (there were six distinct ones. Six).

That’s about it from me for today. I’m looking forward to spending Christmas back in Wales with my family. Merry Christmas to you all and Happy New Year.

– Jon


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