I love Christmas!

Christmas in Bristol is especially good as there’s a festive German market (perfect for having some mulled wine or freshly made doughnuts drizzled with melted chocolate!), a seasonal ice rink,and beautiful lights which make everything feel a little more magical. I am, obviously, also fond of the multiple requisite Christmas meals with flatmates and uni friends. It is also the perfect time to layer-up with a new Christmas jumper, with the UBU shop prices rivalling those of Primark, in addition to the necessary hat, gloves, and scarf.

However, it’s a bit of a nightmare getting all of your Christmas shopping done and I’ve still not quite finished buying everything for all of my extended family. Considering I am heading home only a few days before the 25th arrives I will definitely spend part of the time I am back with my family panic buying presents.
Aside from all the things I have been doing to get myself ready for Christmas this term has been fairly busy. There have been coursework essays to do, dissertation research to keep up with and, as I am planning on joining a graduate scheme in 2015, jobs to apply for. Everything I have studied has been really interesting, and I am excited to have settled on a dissertation topic which combines my love of popular contemporary theology with more radical Feminist approaches.

At times this term has felt a little overwhelming because, even though the coursework is fairly well spread out, there are always a few weeks where it feels like there is too much to do and not enough time to finish everything. For this reason I am quite glad that first term is over, and hopefully my more chilled final week in Bristol will give me a chance to actually write, not just research, some of my dissertation. Despite my stress about the work I’m getting quite sad about leaving Bristol University, despite the fact I still have over six months left, so it’s with both trepidation and anticipation I welcome 2015.

– Katherine


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